On Sunday, February 2nd, 2025, Pastor David left the earthly prison that his body had become, and stepped into the presence of God in His heaven, and into the arms of the Lord and Savior Dave served so faithfully for so many years.

Now, the Beals family begins the arduous process of handling the mounting expenses that resulted from David’s battle for his health, as well as the expenses of final arrangements. It is time now for us, the ones whom David served, cared for, and shepherded for so long to do our part for the Beals. How can we help?

The Elders have determined a path for giving to support the Beals family financially. For now, you can give in person by making checks payable to “WCC Beals Family Benefit” (this must be the “pay to” line in order to facilitate tracking and for bookkeeping purposes). Donations to the WCC Beals Family Benefit are not considered taxable contributions for your taxes. Donations may be mailed to:

Williamsville Christian Church * P.O. Box 233 * 201 S. Old Route 66 * Williamsville, IL 62693

Donations may also be dropped in the wall-mounted offering boxes at the back of the sanctuary.

You may also contribute electronically directly to the account that has been set up for this purpose. This will be in the form of PayPal and Venmo payments. These accounts are administrated by George Krebs. All donations go directly to the WCC Beals Family Benefit Account.

To Give via PayPal (May show George Krebs as Account Owner):

Send to Account Name: @WCCBealsBenefit

To Give via Venmo (Note that Venmo may ask for the last 4 digits of the account owner’s phone number. That number is 2793 :

Send to Account Name: @WCC-BealsFamilyBenefit

Caring for our pastor’s family is one of the key things we can do as a congregation to express our love and support and minister to them during such a trying time as this. Please consider giving to the WCC Beals Family Benefit.