In search of a space for your Event?

Whether it is a wedding, birthday party, graduation party, baby shower, or a wedding shower…

Our facility is a great place to host your event!


To Reserve your date on the event schedule, after clearing the date and time with the church office and WCC’s officiating minister, a $250 security deposit will be required.

You will also be required to sign a contract, which among other things, causes the user to assume responsibility for all actions (including damage to facility and contents) of the user’s party.


All payments for anticipated fees are to be paid to the individuals (i.e. janitor, lights, minister), 30 days prior to your date.

  • Use of Sanctuary: No Cost

  • Use of Fellowship Hall: No Cost

  • Security Deposit: $250

    • The deposit will be refunded if…

      • There is no need for unanticipated repair or cleaning.

      • There is no use of unauthorized space or equipment, or moving of sound equipment on the platform.

      • There is no use of alcohol, tobacco, or illegal drugs by anyone anywhere on the church property, including the parking lot.

  • Sound, Light, & A/V Technician(s): $125

  • Janitorial: $150

  • Pastor: Love Offering

  • Church Coordinator: $10 per hour (1 hour minimum)

For Information Regarding Other Events, Please Contact the Church Office.

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